Do I have enough bone?

After tooth extraction, the socket will fill naturally with bone within two or three months if the walls are very thick. However, if the walls of your tooth socket are very thin (like in your upper and lower front teeth), natural bone may not fill the socket on its own. If this is the case, a bone graft may be placed at the time of extraction to help bone to grow in the empty socket. Bone grafting will help you to have enough bone structure when dental implants are placed several months later.


1. Inadequate Bone


2. Graft Material Placed


3. Implants Placed


If your tooth was extracted many years ago, your bony ridge may be thin and there may not be enough bone for implant placement. If this is the case, Dr. Michael Shnayder will provide a bone graft in Omaha, Nebraska. The graft will be placed where the bone is thin and will be allowed to heal for about six months. After the graft has fused to your natural bone, our oral surgeon will re-enter the ridge and place the implant.


1. Inadequate Bone


2. Graft Material and     Implant Placed


If the sinus cavities in your upper jaw are very large or very low, they may extend into the tooth-bearing areas. If this is the case, a bone grafting procedure called sinus grafting may be necessary. This procedure can be performed by our oral surgeon with anesthesia and sometimes sedation. Dr. Michael Shnayder will elevate the membrane that lines the sinus and add bone grafting material to restore bone height so that dental implants can be placed. Often, this procedure can be performed when the implants are placed.

To learn more and to schedule an appointment, contact Village Pointe Oral Surgery today.

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