A dental condition can sometimes distress the surrounding periodontal tissues. Occasionally, this can be the result of a slowly emerging tooth or a dental health issue near the gumline. As a result, the periodontal irritation can cause a trapped pocket of fluid to build up in the nearby gum tissues.
Early symptoms of a developing dental cyst often include swelling at the gumline, irritation near a tooth, or a noticeable area of discoloration in the periodontal tissues. Most developing cysts don’t contain an infected bacterial component; however, the discomfort can sometimes be significant.
In a case like this, a dentist like Dr. Michael Shnayder can assess the nature and severity of the problem. The treatment plan that he advocates will be based on the location of the dental cyst, as well as its size and a potential infection.
On occasion, bolstering your body’s own immune system can help reduce the dental cyst without the need for invasive treatment measures.
However, if the fluid within the dental cyst is infectious, Dr. Michael Shnayder might recommend draining it or excising the material. Then, he might provide you with a prescription for antibiotics or pain medication. You will need to take any provided medication at the appropriate times and dosages to help prevent infection and maintain your comfort while your gums heal.
If you live in the Omaha, Nebraska, area, and if you have been experiencing dental cyst symptoms, you should call 402-317-5657 to seek treatment at Village Pointe Oral Surgery.